My uncle was an engineer at Global whilst I was working for my previous employer. I was working on BMS systems and spoke with my uncle at a family event, who informed me about global taking on new members of staff at apprenticeship level to which I applied.
I joined Global with the intention of becoming a fully qualified and knowledgeable BMS engineer. I had been involved in the engineering industry since leaving school with no real direction of an actual career.
By knowing exactly what I can expect of my engineers from having undertaken all aspects of the job myself for many years. This allows me to have no unrealistic assumptions of when works will be completed and also enables me to price and project manage any of my jobs effectively and efficiently. Having already built up great client relationships from being an engineer this has helped me grown my relationships even further with my clients since being in my managerial role.
When engineering my most enjoyable aspect of the job was managing to resolve issues on site. There is a huge feeling of success once effectively diagnosing and rectifying issues on site, which also helps to build client relationships - another aspect I really enjoyed.
Apprenticeships allow companies to grow their own talent and teach individuals correct processes in the industry. They also enable companies to tailor their young staff in order to grow capable, knowledgeable and confident engineers.
100% do it. Without a doubt in my opinion an apprenticeship is the best way to learn and progress your career in your chosen field. By undertaking an apprenticeship you can learn whilst still getting paid a wage and having support from an entire company of engineers with a wealth of knowledge to go hand in hand with any skills being taught at a college/training centre.
My plan for the future is to keep climbing the ladder within Global associates. I plan to spend the remainder of my working career at Global with the hopes of eventually reaching directorship level.